Shore Bancshares, Inc. is the largest independent financial holding company headquartered on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. It is the parent company of Shore United Bank, N.A. The Bank operates 30 full-service branches in Baltimore County, Howard County, Kent County, Queen Anne’s County, Caroline County, Talbot County, Dorchester County, Anne Arundel County and Worcester County in Maryland, Kent County and Sussex County in Delaware and in Accomack County, Virginia. The Company engages in trust and wealth management services through Wye Financial Partners, a division of Shore United Bank, N.A. The Company also engages in title work for real estate transactions through Mid-Maryland Title Company, Inc. (“Title Company”). As a result of the acquisition of TCFC, which was effective July 1, 2023, the Bank now operates 42 full-service branches in the above locations as well as Calvert County, St Mary’s County, and Charles County in Maryland and Fredericksburg City and Spotsylvania County in Virginia.